Class Dojo is a useful behavior management technology tool that is used to help students see their progress by tracking positive behaviors. This application is useful because it can be used on the computer, on teacher phones, and can be projected onto our Apple TV to show students how many points they have in a day. We use a positive reinforcement behavior management system, and the more Dojo points a student earns in a day, the quicker they are able to pick when choice centers time happens in the afternoon. Class Dojo is useful because every time a student earns a point, a "ding" emits from the phone, computer, or TV, allowing students to hear that positive reinforcement in the classroom.
My students love Class Dojo and love that they are able to pick their own avatars. Parents can be invited to the application and see student progress throughout the day. Some parents choose to set the application to notify them whenever their child receives a point in class.