About my Kindergarten Classroom at Ingenuity Prep Public Charter School

Student Population

The student population at Ingenuity Prep is 97% African American, 2% Latino, and 1% white. All students are residents of Washington, D.C. 66% of students are considered to be "at risk" and 13% of students are homeless. Students can bring their lunches from home but IP serves 100% of students free breakfast, snacks, and lunch. 20% of students have disabilities. .2% of students are ESOL (English as a Second of Foreign Language). 52% of students are male and 48% of students are female.

During the Fall of 2019, I taught twenty-six Kindergarteners in my classroom (Kindergarten "B" or KB) and I supported twenty-six more Kindergarteners in Kindergarten C (KC) daily for Guided Reading. There were fifteen girls and eleven boys in my classroom, and my student demographics were 100% African American. None of my students were receiving special services. There were twenty-six students in my classroom. Five students had an independent reading level of A (in Fountas & Pinnell) and twenty-one students had an independent reading level of AA. 19% of students were at or above the benchmark (level A) for reading level at the end of the first quarter.

Programming and Resources

At Ingenuity Prep, for literacy instruction we used Wilson's Wit & Wisdom, for phonics instruction we used Fundations, for math we used Eureka! Math, and for Guided Reading we used Fountas and Pinnell. My classroom was not an inclusion classroom (by definition), but there were classrooms at IP that had a learning specialist in them to help students with disabilities succeed in an inclusion setting. Ingenuity Prep offers an extended school day and an extended school year. Ingenuity Prep ensures that students with learning disabilities are supported with pull-out/push-in services by qualified teachers. Students are working in the BIST continuum, a behavior management system that promotes restorative justice. I was responsible for the majority of the planning in my classroom besides math instruction, including all Wit & Wisdom instruction and all Fundations instruction.

Planning and Lesson Delivery

Fundations is a scripted phonics program that was taught in whole group and small group. We planned Guided Reading across our grade level so we were all using the same lesson plans. Social-emotional learning was planned and executed during morning meeting time.

Outside Assignments

Outside of the classroom, I was a member of the before-care staff that reports early to monitor students before school begins. I was a member of the after-care staff and I ran the Student Arts Publication Club that allowed students to create art in different mediums. I participated in group planning and collaboration to ensure that progress and student growth and success were being shared across grade bands and academies.

Grade and Content

At Ingenuity Prep, I taught Kindergarten Literacy (for ninety minutes) as well as Guided Reading (ninety minutes in two different classrooms), Phonics (two twenty-minute sections), and Social-Emotional Learning (during Morning Meeting). I also supported math instruction in the morning.

About my Fourth Grade Classroom at Bridges Public Charter School

Student Population

The student population at Bridges Public Charter School is 52% Black or African American, 27% Latino, and 1% Asian, 15% White, and 15% Two or More Races. All students are residents of Washington, D.C. 38% of students are considered to be "at risk" and 4% of students are homeless. Students can bring their lunches from home, but Bridges serves 100% of students free breakfast, snacks, and lunch if needed. 35% of students have disabilities. 36% of students are ESOL (English as a Second of Foreign Language).

Currently, I teach forty-three fourth graders in my classroom (Celtics, my homeroom; and Wildcats, my second group). There are nineteen girls and twenty-four boys in the fourth grade, and my student demographics are 65% Black or African American, 30% Hispanic, 2% Asian/Pacific Islander, and 2% White. 52% of my students are currently receiving special services. Currently, there are twenty-two students in my homeroom, and twenty-one students in the second fourth grade classroom. As of March 2020, 30% of Bridges fourth graders were reading at a level X or above (fifth grade level in Reading A-Z), 23% of Bridges fourth graders were reading at between levels U-W (on grade level), 29% of Bridges fourth graders were reading one year below grade level between levels Q-T (third grade level), 14% of Bridges fourth graders were reading two years below grade level between levels K-P (second grade level), and 4% of Bridges fourth graders were reading three years below grade level between levels D-J (first grade level). Both students reading at levels three years below grade level are both English Language Learners.

Programming and Resources

At Bridges, for literacy instruction we use National Geographic Reach as the core instructional materials for all areas of ELA and Social Studies instruction. My classroom is an inclusion classroom (called Bridge 1) with several students who receive special services. I have a Special Education Co-Teacher, a Teacher's Assistant, a Resource teacher that pulls students for specialized learning, Social Workers, Occupational Therapists, Counselors, Speech and Language Pathologists, and English Language instructors. There are also dedicated aids for some students who need specialized attention in the classroom that stay with the student throughout the school day. I am responsible for the majority of the planning in my 4th grade classroom besides math and science instruction.

Planning and Lesson Delivery

National Geographic Reach is the English Language Arts curriculum used at Bridges, and Social Studies is heavily incorporated into the program. We lesson plan within Google Slides and present the slides on our SmartBoard. We are also using materials from the Center for Education Reform during Social Studies. Social-emotional learning is planned using Second Step and executed during morning meeting time.

Outside Assignments

Outside of the classroom, I work with our literacy coordinator for backwards curriculum planning for the 2020-2021 school year. We also have a heavy focus on PARCC test prep.

Grade and Content

At Bridges Public Charter School, I am the lead 4th Grade ELA and Social Studies teacher. I teach two sections of 4th Grade ELA every day except Wednesday. On Wednesdays, I teach two sections of 4th Grade Social Studies.