Before we go on the field trips, we spend a lot of time planning for instruction to ensure that students will be able to enjoy and learn from the field trip experience. For this trip, I asked students if they had been to a farm before, and most of them said they had not. The students that had been to a farm or been around farm animals before were able to connect more with the stories that we were reading and writing about during literacy. Prior to the trip, I made sure to expose students to a variety of texts that would deepen their understanding of their surroundings when we eventually went to the farm. Students were able to successfully identify different types of animals, equipment, and other things found on a farm from reading. When students did see those things in person, they were able to build their background knowledge and real-world connections in meaningful ways. This instructional strategy allows for students to create lasting memories and deepen comprehension in the future when reading texts about farms.